
Showing posts from June, 2023

Bloc vs Getx! A Fair Review in Flutter

  Introduction Bloc  and  GetX  are both popular state management solutions for Flutter applications. However, they use different approaches to handle state management. Bloc is a reactive state management solution that uses reactive programming and streams to handle state changes. Bloc provides a structured approach to state management, which makes it suitable for larger  applications with multiple widgets  interacting with each other. On the other hand, GetX is a lightweight state management solution that uses getx bindings, dependency injection and observes the pattern to handle state changes. GetX provides a simple approach to state management, which makes it suitable for smaller applications with fewer interactions between widgets. Architecture and Concepts Bloc stands for Business Logic Component, an architectural pattern for implementing state management in Flutter apps. It emphasizes separating the business logic from the UI, allowing for cleaner, more modular code. With Bloc, a